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January 24th, 2010

Couch, snow, shoe

Posted by GerrysMom in Uncategorized    

I forgot to share about Couch Day!  Oh, it was a great holiday on 1/18  to get my couch back.  And I got it back in time for my first three-legged trip to the dog park, so it really came in hand for snoozing afterwards.  Here’s a pic:

Now, I’m gonna try to include something educational in every post.  Today it will be walking three-legged through snow.  Not easy!  No wonder Mom and the vet said I wasn’t allowed while I was still healing from surgery.  So here’s a video of me walkin’ through my back yard.  I had the added motivation of a trail of rabbit droppings to follow.  Mom wasn’t too pleased about that.  Apparently rabbit droppings used to upset Yoda’s tummy.  Hasn’t done me any harm yet!

And now, for some comic relief, though once again, I’m not sure what is so funny.  Mom came home from work, and I was ready for my walk.  But all my toys were way over on the other side of the room.  So I grabbed her shoe.  After all, that served two functions.  One, I had something to carry on my walk, which I like, and two, it communicated to Mom that it was time to WALK. 


  1. Happy belated couch day!!

    Back in the day Maggie was quite fond of rabbit droppings- just the right size for pug snacking!!

    Karen and the pug girls

      krun15 — January 24, 2010 @ 7:24 pm   

  2. Yes – Happy Couch Day! Holly has had some fun being 3 legged in the snow, too. When it warmed up a bit and then got cold again it became ‘post-holing’ as she hopped that one rear leg through the crusty snow. It seemed like a bad workout, but she didn’t seem to mind. Glad to hear the couch still is great for napping!
    Holly and Holly’s mom

      anyemery — January 24, 2010 @ 7:30 pm   

  3. Hooray for couch day! What a wonderful day for you Gerry! Good thinking grabbing the shoe to let Mom know you were ready for a walk! I think I will try that one!

      Peyton's Path — January 24, 2010 @ 9:14 pm   

  4. Did somebody say snow!?!?! 🙂
    Don’t miss Jerry’s classic snow day video from March, 2007.

      admin — January 24, 2010 @ 9:48 pm   

  5. Hi Gerry,
    Love your videos – you are quite the doggie traipsing through the snow (Mackenzie lives in sunny CA so she’s never had the experience that you’ve had.) You look like you could be a snowboarder or something. And then carrying your mom’s shoe – too cute! Rabbit droppings… I never did understand why dogs loved to eat these but they do – you’re not alone!

      Mackenzie's Mom — February 3, 2010 @ 9:19 pm   

  6. Hi Gerry, LOVE the videos! Does rabbit poop taste like kitty poop, if so, you are one lucky dog! Ha. Hey, read your note on my blog. You go for it and be a pet visitor — it is so worth getting thru basic obedience class for. People really like it when you come to visit them. You’ll be GREAT at it! Shelby

      jack crowder — February 11, 2010 @ 11:38 pm   

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