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May 31st, 2010

Hottest Pawty in the Madison Area!

Posted by GerrysMom in Uncategorized    

This past Sunday I met Max and Edward and their human mom Meg at the dog park in Badger Prairie Park in Verona, WI, near my home in Madison, WI.  AND we all met Callie (not sure how it’s spelled) too!  She couldn’t stay long.  She had come early and was out of water and ready to go home.  But we did have some time tovisit and drink water together.  Mom gave her mom a bandana and told her about Tripawds and she sounded excited to check out the website.

Then, when Callie had to go, Max, Edward and I continued on.  My grandma even came to visit with cookies for the humans.  That didn’t seem right at a party for dogs that only the people got the treats, but I’m on a restricted diet now anyway, so I’m more indignant on Max and Edward’s behalf.  It was sweet of Grandma to stop by at all though, I guess.  She’s a busy lady.

I then promptly disappeared.  I double-backed to the entrance to make sure there wasn’t anyone else to greet.  Boy did that wear me out though!  It was really hot.  Mom says with the heat index it broke 90 degrees – whatever that means.  Mom helped me strip off my harness and bandana at that point, because she was afraid I was too hot to catch up to my guests, who were waiting further in the park.  So me and the boys drank a lot of water and eventually claimed ourselves a picnic table.  Max was very good at defending it so that we’d have plenty of shade.  Though at times he did let smaller dogs visit with us.

Mom says I have to draw your attention to the cutest part of the video she took.  (Really I think the humans find any bit with little Edward in it is the “cutest”).  But apparently at one point, he was playing with my tail.  I thought I felt something.

Alright on to the video and pictures you’ve all been waiting for:

Edward the Honorary Tripawd!

Three Legged Max - the smartest of us!



May 29th, 2010

Pawty Pawty Pawty!

Posted by GerrysMom in Uncategorized    

Rhoohoo, my pawty is tomorrow!  Or our pawty, I should say.  All you tripawds will be there with us in spirit.  But we’re hoping for a lot in bodies too.  No idea if anyone else is going to show besides ThreeLeggedMax and his crew, but he’s bringing a 3 1/2 legged buddy along, so we’re still making progress.  That’s one more tripawd (honorarily at least) than my pawty with Holly… when was that… last month?

The pawty is tomorrow starting at 10:15 a.m. in the Badger Prairie County Park’s dog park, which is in Verona, WI (but really close to the Madison border).  Never sure about addresses for parks, but I saw it listed in one place as 6720 Highway 151, Verona WI.  You can also follow this link to a map of the area and zoom in on the one marked A – that’s the park we’ll be at:

So, humans, remember you’ll probably want a hat and/or sunblock.  There’s not much tree cover for shade, and not many clouds expected tomorrow, but the dogs at least can go under the picnic tables if they need to.  Bring water for humans and dogs.  Tomorrow is supposed to be a low in the lower 60s and a high in the upper 80s.  Oh and don’t forget cameras, if you want them!  My mom will have her little Flip video camera and maybe a camera for still shots too, if she doesn’t have too much to carry and you know she’ll post the video and pictures for everyone to see here.  Wish you could ALL come!!!

On a different note, I’ve gotta post my big brother Yoda’s tribute video.  He was diagnosed with bone cancer a year ago this past Thursday.  He died on October 14, 2009.  Besides just being a great guy, he was a super example of a hoppy, well adjusted tripawd after his amputation.   I never met him while he was alive, but his spirit is still near and I wouldn’t have gotten mom without his influence.  Many of you will have already seen the video posted by my mom in the forums, but here it is again for any who missed it:

May 1st, 2010

I graduated!

Posted by GerrysMom in Uncategorized    

The deal was as long as I passed, I could have my pawty and invite everybody!  Well, last week I received my diploma for my beginner dog training class.  I have an intermediate outdoor class coming up soon, because Mom says we have some refining to do.   I’m still kind of a nutball at the park.  We have not yet discussed what I’ll get if I graduate from that class, but another pawty would suit me!

Don’t forget that my pawty is going to be on Sunday, May 30th at 10:15 a.m. in Madison, WI at Badger Prairie Park (oh, technically it’s in Verona, WI, Mom thinks).  I know some people can’t make it because of human graduation pawties, but if you’re not otherwise committed or too far away, come celebrate my graduation!!!  Like I said though, I’ll be asking Mom to let me host more pawties this summer.  So there will be other chances to get together.

Mom made a video of my new skills – of course.  But yes, she absolutely edited it to make me look better behaved than I really am.

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