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December 16th, 2009

Sunday Snow Romp

Posted by GerrysMom in Uncategorized    

Hey everybody!  I know by the time this is published I’ll be at the vet’s – ick.    As if a car ride isn’t bad enough without that to look forward to at the end of it.  I don’t see why they couldn’t just chop the ol’ leg off here!  But whatever.  F.M. will get me there even if I can’t help, but resist.

Let’s think happier thoughts in the meantime, like what an awesome time I had at the park this past Sunday!  Why didn’t F.M. take me there sooner???

Gerry park pack 1

Well, perhaps you can see me toe-touching with my back left leg there – I suppose that’s why F.M. didn’t take me to the park until our last chance to go before the operation.  I started practicing being three-legged while we were at the park and continued now and then since.  F.M. had mixed feelings about that – sorry that she had let me run enough to hurt more, but also a little glad for confirmation that I really do need the amputation – this knee isn’t going to get any better!

I packed in a lot of play time into that short visit and made a lot of friends.


Alas between my knee and the cold, we only went around once.  Like my coat?  It was big brother Yoda’s.  Can you see the family resemblance now below?

Yoda winter






Gerry snow romp

We’re like twins!  Haha, okay not really.

I like how the cold keeps scents fresh.  Like the smell of little hibernating animals – long after they’ve moved on.  I got fooled the other day and pounced on a snow dune.  No tasty rodents inside, but I made a nice snow angel.

Proud of my snow angel-making, though a rodent would have been tastier

Proud of my snow angel-making, though a rodent would have been tastier

I like my coat okay for keeping me warm, but it can be a nuisance to take on and off, so sometimes if F.M. takes too long getting her own coat off or whatever, I go about my regular routine, rather than waiting around.

Gerry keeping warm

Ahhh, I’m going to miss that couch for the next couple weeks, sigh.


  1. Happy thoughts… Happy thoughts… Happy thoughts…

      admin — December 16, 2009 @ 8:30 pm   

  2. I LOVE the snow angel…good job! Caira Sue pounced and rolled in a big sand dune the other day with the same problem…whatever it was, was long gone. But that’s the beauty of being a dog, isn’t it? They just say “oh well” and move on to the next big thing.
    I think you should go about your normal routine, especially if your mom is taking too long to take your coat off. Really? Shouldn’t you come first all the time?

      cairasue — December 17, 2009 @ 2:34 am   

  3. Oh Gerry!

    You are just too adorable!!! Can’t wait to see picts of you went you come back home from the vet’s… You are going to be sooooo spoiled by your mommy! 🙂

    Angel Jake’s Mom

      jakesmom — December 17, 2009 @ 5:19 am   

  4. You are too cute! Good luck today, little buddy 🙂

      ldillon81 — December 17, 2009 @ 12:49 pm   

  5. Fun Day!! Glad you got to go play before the big day! Be happy for no more toe tapping-pain be gone!

    We love the pictures! You make wonderful snow angels, I think I might try that!

      Peyton's Path — December 17, 2009 @ 2:57 pm   

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