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January 1st, 2011

Mom’s Resolution

Posted by GerrysMom in Uncategorized    

Aw man, I’m incorrigible.  Some of you might remember Mom almost rescinded my dog park privileges last year.  I got more training… and then more training, but I get so excited around other male dogs (especially the big ones), and I’m just a rough-and-tumble kinda guy.  It’s a guy thing.  But I had one scuffle too many (nobody’s ever been hurt – promise!) and so Mom doesn’t think it’s safe for me to go to dog parks anymore.  Such a bummer.  Finances permitting, more training classes or meeting with a behaviorist might one day teach me to be better behaved and maybe I can go back then… but that’ll probably be a reeeeally long time.  Mom’s bummed too, especially since we had such great times at tripawd pawties in 2010.  Maybe if there are any other midwest pawties, Mom and I can meet up with people and pups on leash before or after, outside of the park or something.  Sigh.

And all this means Mom has a really BIG resolution to follow through on this year.  She says I’m probably the only motivation strong enough for her to do it – getting into shape to go running with me!  Going to the parks has been my chance to RUN.  Now Mom is going to have to be able to keep up with me.  Paws crossed that she’s up for it.

Anyway, Hoppy New Year everybody!  I got all spiffed up for the occasion. 

Against my will, but I must admit, I looked good after I dried out.  Especially with my new collar and Quiet Spot (it’s a red Velcro thingy that covers my tags and keeps ’em from jingling).  My grandpawrents let Mom bathe me at their place, which was great cause I got to dry out in front of their fire.

And here is a shot of a couple of our tree ornaments at home.  On the right is Mom’s first dog, who she grew up with.  And on the left, most of you will recognize, is Yoda.  Mom often says that if the two of them had had a pup, he would be a lot like me. 

Hoppy Holidays to all!!!

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