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January 16th, 2010

Yoda in Action

Posted by GerrysMom in Uncategorized    

Well, even I know this is long overdue, but it sure was boring waiting for Mom to finish with the video cameras and the TV and the computer…

Soooo bored... and yes, I have spots on my tongue!

Soooo bored... and yes, I have spots on my tongue!

 Mom had to take video of Yoda on her old camcorder from the 90’s and has wished she could have shared them with you all for a long time.  Well, she tried playing the video on the TV and recording it with her new Flip Ultra video camera.  She’s not thrilled with how much darker everything turned out, but with some editing, most all of it is good enough to see how pawesome my big brother was on three legs, at least.  Maybe some day she’ll get a professional to convert the old video.  But on the eve of my official adoption (forking over the dough to the shelter tomorrow!), she wanted to complete a tribute to Yoda’s memory.   I wouldn’t have gotten here without him!  Thanks, Bro!!

Since the picture quality isn’t great, Mom wants me to give you the head’s up to watch for when Yoda jumps over some big ol’ rocks to stay in a game of chase at the dog park.  There were “Whoa’s!” from the other humans at the park when Yoda did that, but since Mom was filming from far away and you pawrents with your weak ears won’t hear it, Mom went ahead and added music to the video. 

The chase game part is funny, cause it was Mom and Yoda’s first trip to a park after they found he had lung mets, and he had run all around the park already and she thought she had let him run too long, when he stopped for shade and water for quite a while.  Then, as she was wondering if he could make it to the car, he hopped up and took off to check out a gang of dogs several yards away.  And before Mom knew it, he was playing a game of chase!

So enjoy the somewhat random string of video clips of Yoda to “It’s Not My Time,” by 3 Doors Down…

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