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December 31st, 2009

Uh oh, I’m in twouble

Posted by GerrysMom in Uncategorized    

Or at least, I would be in trouble if F.M. thought punishing me would help any.  Perhaps grounding me from my furry bone and new stuffed Rudolph.  *Gasp!*

I know I was naughty, but I couldn’t help it!  I’ve been licking my incision and F.M. didn’t know a thing about it.  We went to the vet today to get my sutures out (F.M. was so excited!) and they told her a small area hadn’t healed yet, that I must have been licking it.  They did take the sutures and staples out, but I’m not done with the e-collar until that heals… grrrrr.  F.M. thought, “Oh no, he must have been sneaking when I let him have it off, and let him lick his privates – but I thought I had been so watching him too carefully for that!”

She had.  I felt so guilty about it that when we got home, I let her see what I had been doing.   My neck and snout and tongue are just long enough to reach around the cone and lick that bit of the incision, if I push the cone as close to my body as it will go.

Well, so much for my good deed confession, because then I had to go right back to the vet!  A very understanding vet tech then took the time to show F.M. that she could move the cone much higher on my neck, right behind my ears and tie it much tighter around my neck to keep it there.  F.M. is still really nervous that I’m going to be able to mess with it.  (Sigh) I really want to too.  But  Angel-boy Yoda never did anything that when he wore the e-collar lower down.  F.M. hasn’t said that, but big brother Spirit Yoda did mention it.

If any pawrents out there have any tips for a rear-leg amputee like me, who needs to let his incision finish healing (and still be able to go potty), let us know.

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