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December 27th, 2009

Tripawd Tips (dogs’ eyes only!)

Posted by GerrysMom in Uncategorized    

As I was staring at the wall the other day, I was thinking, our pawrents aren’t the only ones who need tips about this amputation business.  So, here area  couple I came up with to start with:

The e-collar (aka “The Cone of Shame” in the movie “Up” – great movie!) – ughhhhh!  Need I say more?  So, here’s a trick that worked for me to get F.M. to give me a break from it:

When you’re wearing the cone, smother your pawrents with love!  It works on them on two levels.  First of all, their little people hearts melt and they want to give you belly rubs and ear scritches and all, and that’s not so easy with the cone on!


On the other level, the cone works a bit like a snow plow (that’s where I got the idea) as you try to reach them.  You gotta keep at them as if the collar weren’t in the way (they’ll think you just haven’t gotten used to it yet and don’t know any better).  Yes, it’s a bit uncomfortable for them, but it’s for the greater good of our recovery (I heard a vet say that about wearing the e-collar, but I say it’s just as true about not wearing it all the time).   They’ll probably put it right back on if they have to leave the house or the room, but oh well.  Be warned too, that if you make it hard for them to get the e-collar back on, your pawrents will be less likely to take it off for a break in the future!

Then I have one more tip for us rear-leg amputee boys (or any girls out there who like to pee boy-style).  If you live in an area that gets snow, it is possible to raise your back leg to pee – sort of – if you have a snow bank.  What I did was get my back foot up the side of one before I let it flow.  If you have the flexibility and practice it a bit, I’m pretty sure it’s possible to get some good height with that method.  For you new front-leg amputees, Spirit Yoda told me that lifting either back leg was no big thing, but that you should remember to concentrate on your balance, because it won’t be as easy as before.

Let me know how these tips work for you all.  Maybe most of you have figured them out already.  I’d love to hear more tips from the rest of you – I’m only 11 days post-amputation, so I’m sure there is plenty to learn that I haven’t, and that even Spirit Yoda didn’t figure out while he was here.

Before I go – guess what folks!  I might be down to using no more Tramadol!  So far so good today.  Then maybe I’ll be done with the Rimadyl soon and that’ll be no more meds to trouble my tummy.  Maybe that will take care of my shakes finally too, though one theory is my muscles are just tired.  We’ll see!


  1. Glad to see you on the mend, Gerry! I think you look great in your cone of shame.

      admin — December 27, 2009 @ 1:45 pm   

  2. Pawesome tips my friend, thank you!
    Hope you’re off the dope soon. What a difference it’ll make, I promise. Hang in there.

      jerry — December 27, 2009 @ 4:15 pm   

  3. Excellent tips Gerry!! Hoping you get off your meds soon and feel great!!!

    Angel Jake’s Mom

      jakesmom — December 27, 2009 @ 5:26 pm   

  4. I love the e-collar tips. I swear you and Angel Emily have been talking. Emily would run into the side of the wall on purpose to break her e-collar. By the timeher stitches were out if was covered with duct tape!
    Debra & Angel Emily

      Emilysmom — December 27, 2009 @ 6:02 pm   

  5. Actually Maggie has a tip for fellow rear amps-
    if your belly is fat enough, and your nose is short enough you don’t need the collar because you can’t reach the incision….
    but I guess that will only work for Buddha belly pugs.
    Another tip for ‘spinners’- those that have to spin before a BM is possible. Mag couldn’t do it at first- but with in a week figured it out. Luckily she has her right rear leg still, and likes to spin clock-wise so it works to have the remaining rear leg as the pivot point. If you have your left rear leg you will need to spin counter-clockwise.
    Congrats on day 11- soon the stitches and staples will be out and no more cone!

    Karen and the pug girls

      krun15 — December 27, 2009 @ 7:14 pm   

  6. Good news Gerry about getting off some of the nasty pain meds, hope soon you will be off all of them and you then will get back to being yourself. You are almost there !

    Jo Ann & Tasha

      rubyaz — December 27, 2009 @ 7:18 pm   

  7. Mmmm, duck tape… oh wait, F.M. says I have it wrong and it’s “duct” tape? Eh, that doesn’t sound as nice to have on my cone then. But if one is really serious about getting otut of that e-collar – good tip Spirit Emily. Spirit Yoda was telling me that he’s a little jealous about how much easier it is for those of us with two front paws to get out of the e-collar. I managed that a couple times – I really like to scratch my face sometimes and I couldn’t get to it!

    Nice tips from Maggie too! But I don’t know how you can stand not being able to lick your own butt. That souns like a real handicap – not like having three legs. But maybe your sis helps you out?

    I got to see my cousin Gracie yesterday and the day before and she offered to lick my incision for me, but F.M. made it very clear that that was NOT an option.

    I don’t need to spin to go and neither did Yoda, but Yoda was a big tail-chaser and that took him like three months to re-learn how to do on three legs. I don’t chase my tail. There’s not really any point. All I have to do is turn a step to one side and I can hit myself in the face with my tail if I want to.

    Thanks for the Tripawd Tips and keep ’em coming. Thanks for the well-wishes on the meds too! Still doing good without the Tramadol. And I’m still waiting on an appointment, but I’ll be good to get my sutures and staples out this week – yessssssss!!!

    – Gerry

      GerrysFosterMom — December 27, 2009 @ 8:54 pm   

  8. Er I mean, this week, I guess. Whatever – just a few days!

      GerrysFosterMom — December 27, 2009 @ 8:55 pm   

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