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December 18th, 2009

Gerry the Tripawd has arrived!

Posted by GerrysMom in Uncategorized    

Just wanted to let you all know I made it home from the vet today as expected.   Hooooorrrrrray!!!!

I didn’t get into too much trouble at the vet’s, (at least that’s what we’re telling F.M.) but I did manage to chew through my collar. What can I say?  I wanted a new one, not the hand-me-down from the shelter.  But I am sorry that the vet had to lend us one of their leashes that loop around the neck – mostly because it’s not as comfortable.

Getting around on three paws is a breeze.  But surgery makes me sleepy.  I ate lots as soon as I got home and we’ve been napping off and on since.  (Yeah, that is a picture from today.  I”m laying on my incision side).

Gerry Recuperating








F.M. redecorated for me, she says, but why would she think I would want the couch turned around?  I have no idea.  No one can get on it now!  And all the rugs she put down are nice, but what for?   I think being alone for two days messed with her head, but I’m not going to mention it.  I just wag my tail like I don’t notice her odd behavior.


Alright, some of you want to see the incision right?  Maybe those of you who are pawrents of a tripawd-to-be.  I have no bandage, so you’re gonna get a clear look, brace yourself:

Gerry Tripawd 1







Oh, that didn’t come out as big as I thought I would.  You can see the stitches, but the staples are probably too small to see.

That look on my face has nothing to do with my missing leg or any physical pain – it’s that darn camera and it’s flash.  Ugh.  I know it’s for a good cause, but no more pictures today!  I’m supposed to be getting spoiled, right?  Well, that is my first request for how F.M. can spoil me during my recovery.  She can use that old camcorder thing instead, if she has to, and retro-post it when she gets the footage converted.

Thanks for all your prayers and well wishes!


  1. Lookin’ good there Gerry! 🙂

    Tell your mom thanks for sharing her tips on how to prepare a home for tripawd recovery. You may not think so, but turning that couch around is an excellent idea! Until, that is, you get some crazy idea to jump over the back. 😉

      admin — December 18, 2009 @ 4:31 pm   

  2. Hey Gerry and FM,
    Congrats on getting through the first step and welcome home.

    And Mag says hey to a fellow left rear amp.

    Wishing for a speedy recovery and that the couch migrates back where it is supposed to be soon.

    Karen and the pug girls.

      krun15 — December 18, 2009 @ 4:33 pm   

  3. Congratulations on coming home Gerry!!! You look adorable, even though you don’t like the camera flash… But you will definitely have to get used to it, since we are always going to bug your mom for pictures of you!!! 🙂

    Have a speedy and safe recovery sweetie!!!

    Angel Jake’s Mom

      jakesmom — December 18, 2009 @ 4:59 pm   

  4. Yipeeeeeeee! So hoppy you made it through.

    Gerry, you look great and your Mom is SO smart for fixing your room up like that! Take it easy and let her spoil you OK? Pretty soon it’ll be back to training-this and training-that, so for now, enjoy all the attention!

      wyattraydawg — December 18, 2009 @ 5:51 pm   

  5. Glad you’re home. You look as sleepy as I feel.

      wuerkerb — December 18, 2009 @ 6:51 pm   

  6. Welcome home Gerry! Try to get used to the camera because F.M. will continue to take lots of pictures.
    Debra & Angel Emily

      Emilysmom — December 18, 2009 @ 7:12 pm   

  7. Gerry, Ms. FM is crazy! I’m not sure why she turned that couch around, either!!! She probably hates people using her furniture…yeah…that’s it (or she has a germ problem???). You look like you were born with 3 legs, mister, so you’d better keep learning from Yoda about how to be an excellent TriPawd 🙂 We love you!!!

    <3 Laura and sleeping Jackers

      ldillon81 — December 18, 2009 @ 11:22 pm   

  8. You look as if you’re doing really well Gerry. Amused about the sofa. Mitch has reclaimed ours. He used to sit on when he was younger then stopped but for some reason. Since the op he loves to sit there again, despite all the alternatives he’s been offered. Anyway here’s to you Gerry.

      Mitch's two legger — December 19, 2009 @ 10:06 am   

  9. Gerry! You are such a handsome guy–no wonder FM fell in love with you. You even look cute when you’re crabby about the flash. Hope everything continues to go well and she morphs into GM real soon.


      cemil — December 19, 2009 @ 11:04 am   

  10. I agree Mary, and it will be great to have F.M. drop the F (aka the “sneeze” sound). Not sure if I can make a G. sound though. I’ll have to think of something that makes me mad and growl. Oh, duh, camera flashes! Or I can just call her Mom (aka the “Mmmm, pay attention to me” sound) – that works too.


      GerrysFosterMom — December 19, 2009 @ 11:25 am   

  11. Sleep up Gerry! You look fantastic! Keep getting up on that couch, much more comfy than the floor! You are a cutie! We love to see your face!

      peytonpawd — December 20, 2009 @ 8:05 pm   

  12. Take care Gerry! I couldn’t figure out all the rugs either on the floor…but TRUST me, you’ll be glad they’re there when you slip or loose your balance for the first time… I sure am glad they are there for me…

    Rest well and let your FM spoil you to pieces!

      maggie — December 24, 2009 @ 8:14 am   

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