So, unless Wyatt found one already, I think he and I need to start a support group for dogs with three big predecessor pawprints to fill. Check out my spirit foster brother Yoda:

He was a brave guy who took on an amputation and bone cancer and chemo made it all look easy for four months.
Awwwww, what a guy – right?
Well that’s okay if you feel that way. I’m not jealous -much, cause I know that underneath that “I’m such a quiet, good dog” exterior is a champion rabbit slayer and he’s going to teach me how to hunt rodents on three legs as well as the next four-legged dog. He has already taught me some good tips about getting F.M.’s attention and what to expect from my crazy foster cousin Gracie. Now she and I look more like siblings, but the crazy gene skipped me.
Since I was prepared, Gracie and I got along great when I met her at Thanksgiving. I don’t mind her licking me the way Yoda did, and I gave her kisses back, which seemed to calm her down a bit. Yoda never realized that and what made her obsessive about licking him was that he would ignore her. So I have things to teach him too!
My foster grandparents weren’t so sure about having me over for Thanksgiving. They didn’t know what my table manners would be like, for example. But I laid down in the living room like a gentleman, thank you very much, while Gracie paced underneath the dinner table! And my foster aunt and uncle warned F.M. that they wanted to be cautious with their human baby around me. Whatever! Soon enough my foster aunt was holding her little boy over me and that kid seriously grabbed my fur and skin and my ear! But I just wagged my tail. Love is love and he’ll learn how to pet nicely soon enough. Then I went and taught Gracie how to wrestle nicely on the floor with a gimp like me.
I am a master family integrator!
But yeah, Yoda has been a big help. Thanks big brother!
Until next time folks. My amputation is tomorrow, but I’m going to leave a ruff draft of a post or two for F.M. to publish for me while I’m at the vet’s. It will give her something to pass the time while she misses and worries about me.
Wish me luck!