If I must…

No pictures, please!
Ugh, those darn little metal things with their big awful flashes! I try to tell F.M., no pictures, please! F.M. is my nickname for my foster mom, though I sound out the letters and pronounce it by first sneezing (“Fffff”) and then groaning (“Mmmmm”). Both are easy to do as I’m getting over the sniffles and my knee has been hurting. Anyway, I call her F.M. to add in the fun of giving her a hard time about her insistence that we’re not going to talk adoption yet. So I rub it in – “But Fff!! Mmmmm! Look at how adorable I am. Everyone at Tripawds says we have to adopt each other.” Oh, and those of you who I’m talking about will love this: today Yoda’s oncologist even said so! Haha. We haven’t met, but F.M. e-mailed her a quick note about me and a picture because she was just so darn nice to her and Yoda. (Don’t worry new folks, I’ll fill you in on my big brother Spirit Yoda in a later post – oh sorry, F.M., I mean foster spirit big brother!) And you know me and F.M. getting together has been riddled with coincidences (a topic of another post to come soon probably) and one fo them is that Yoda’s oncologist is from Ireland and my orthopedic surgeon is too! My surgeon will be doing my operation for free this week while on vacation here in the states, meanwhile Yoda’s oncologist will be on her way home to Ireland for the holidays!
But I digress… so I hate cameras, but F.M. has explained to me the importance of this social network thingy (and I love socializing!). We all gotta stay in touch so that our pawrents don’t crack under the pressure of having the best dogs ever under less than the best circumstances.
However, if I’m going to give in to having my life documented, I’m going to have a paw in it! So, I will have creative control of my blawg (shoudn’t it be spelled blawg?).
So here are my stats (as best we know them):
- I’m about 2 years old
- I’m a mix, maybe part doberman like my big bro, but my long tail and coloring also strongly resemble my foster cousin, Gracie. But we don’t know what she is, so that doesn’t really help
- I need my back left leg amputated because of irrepairable traumatic damage to my back left knee. I get around okay now, but apparently because I had some early damage that messed up a growth plate, and they don’t think they could sort it all out with surgery. On the bright side, the long recovery time where I wouldn’t be allowed to run and play after a knee surgery sounded awful!
- I love to carry leaves. Fuzzy toys from pet store are a pretty good substitute. Also F.M.’s gloves… a baseball cap… my leash… a remote control (though F.M. barked at me when I tried that one though – she watches too much TV though)… lots of things are good for carrying. Maybe I have some retriever in me.
- I love and am loved by humans of all ages
- Other dogs are fun too!
- I’m “clawstrophobic” (?). That’s what F.M. says. I prefer to say that I am just too much love to be contained in a crate, car, or even gated in a room. My big fat aura of love for all the world will bust out of all of them if given less than half a chance!!
Well just kind of jumped into this first post head first. Had to test it out, but no more time to perfect it tonight. Gotta walk and then get F.M. to bed.
Ffffffffff Mmmmmmmmm,
Who do you think you are fooling? Your love for each other shines through. I am so happy for you!
Debra & Angel Emily
My what big paws you have, Gerry!
What a fortunate turn of events to find such a great home with FM. Yoda will tell you in his own Spirit Way, that she is one incredible, loving doggie mamma. We can tell you two are going to be great together.
Yeah, Gerry! We finally get to know you, up close and personal.
Head first is a great way to start. Tell FFfffff MMmmmmm to check her email for links to helpful information about Supporter blog features. And thank her for upgrading!
Oh Gerry is just adorable!!! Love those big paws!! 🙂
Angel Jake’s Mom
Good job on the new blawg- and the camera thing might get old for you- but you must please your public-
FM- good luck with the surgery and recovery. And where do you find all these Irish Docs?
My Mag is a left rear amp and doing fine, although she is pretty little.
Karen and the pug girls
Hey Gerry!
Later, when the Fffffffff part drops away, she’ll just be Mmmmmmm. That sounds nice.
Hope you get used to the camera so we can see you more. That would be sort of like busting out of a (virtual) crate.
Mary and Cemil