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May 1st, 2010

I graduated!

Posted by GerrysMom in Uncategorized    

The deal was as long as I passed, I could have my pawty and invite everybody!  Well, last week I received my diploma for my beginner dog training class.  I have an intermediate outdoor class coming up soon, because Mom says we have some refining to do.   I’m still kind of a nutball at the park.  We have not yet discussed what I’ll get if I graduate from that class, but another pawty would suit me!

Don’t forget that my pawty is going to be on Sunday, May 30th at 10:15 a.m. in Madison, WI at Badger Prairie Park (oh, technically it’s in Verona, WI, Mom thinks).  I know some people can’t make it because of human graduation pawties, but if you’re not otherwise committed or too far away, come celebrate my graduation!!!  Like I said though, I’ll be asking Mom to let me host more pawties this summer.  So there will be other chances to get together.

Mom made a video of my new skills – of course.  But yes, she absolutely edited it to make me look better behaved than I really am.


  1. Hooray! Good job! Happy Pawty.

      Opie — May 2, 2010 @ 12:50 am   

  2. wow, you are a machine!!! nice job on all those commands!! wish i lived closer to wisconsin, sounds like pawty central this summer!!!! congrats on such a great accomplishment!!! gayle

      etgayle — May 2, 2010 @ 9:46 am   

  3. What a good boy! Maybe we need to start editing Wyatt’s movies to make him look well behaved! 🙂

      admin — May 2, 2010 @ 1:14 pm   

  4. Yay, Gerry! You are most awesome in your video! My mom and I hope to come up to celebrate with you – it’ll depend on my sister’s goings on, though, since she’s also graduating that week. But I’d rather come pawty with you!!
    Holly Jolly By Golly

      anyemery — May 2, 2010 @ 2:47 pm   

  5. Congrats, Gerry!!!

    I was looking into getting Harley a dog park permit, since we don’t have one. I don’t think he can get one, as his Rabies vaccine is out-of-date; I’m not sure if the letter I have from my Vet saying I am aware of this and willing to quarantine and cover all costs if a bite occurs will be good enough or not. It’s always something.

      Hopalong Harley — May 2, 2010 @ 4:47 pm   

  6. Oh yeah, BUMMER. Not being able to get vaccinations is a pain in the butt!! I’ve never seen permits checked, but I’d understand if you wouldn’t want to risk it. Harley and Gerry can certainly get together elsewhere, at least.

      GerrysMom — May 2, 2010 @ 5:56 pm   

  7. What a good boy Gerry! You are so adorable and so well-behaved! I’m so impressed. Do you think you can come to my house and teach Mackenzie’s little brother Kobe a thing or two about obeying commands and then getting treats??? Congratulations on your graduation – I bet you were at the top of your class! What a great video to watch.

      Kami (Mackenzie's Mom) — May 2, 2010 @ 7:37 pm   

  8. You got me beat, my friend. I’m still unedumakated I guess. Maybe when we get back to CO Mom will take me to skewl so I can be smart like u!

      wyattraydawg — May 6, 2010 @ 3:46 pm   

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