More Gerry Tips
Mom wants me to write educational posts, so here are a few things I have learned since my last blawg entry:
1) A relatively easy way to catch a vole at the dog park is to dig one up from hibernation in wintertime. (Mom thinks this is unsportsdoglike, but Spirit Yoda assures me it’s just plain smart). Those little rodents are jumpy though, so if you want a vole snack, chomp quickly before they hop out of your mouth.
2) I discovered another advantage to bringing toys on walks. If you drop your toy somewhere while your human is distracted, you could end up with a much longer walk. I got a double walk last week when we were nearly home before Mom realized that I no longer had Rudy with me. We had to retrace our steps to find him. So pawesome!
3) I don’t know if it’s similar for front-leg amputees going downstairs or not, but I have learned it’s important not to think too hard about going up stairs. I do best with a treat at the top to focus on.
Here’s a video of me doing stairs. The first time, I was thinking too much about Mom and the camera and my feet. The second time, Mom got out the treats and it was a breeze.
Awesome! Lookin’ good there Gerry.
Its never good to think about something you can just DO- and then with a camera!! He is pretty funny at that first attempt to go up- really really over thinking–
But when there are treats- NO PROBLEM!
Karen and the pug girls
What a sweetheart!!! Gerry seems to be doing very well!! 🙂 That’s cause he’s got an awesome mommy helping him!!!
Angel Jake’s Mom
You have learned great lessions! We are glad you aren’t hiding from the camera anymore because you are a very handsome boy! Keep up the good work on the stairs! I think you mastered them!!
Excellent tips Gerry, I’m going to remember those. But what’s a vole?
Hey you look like I do on those stairs. I used to be really afraid of going up but not anymore. You’re doing great, keep it up.
I have that same problem with stairs, if I think to much, it will do me in everytime.
The chauffeur
Way to go Gerry! Those stairs are no probs for an athletic guy like yourself. Keep up the good work!