Another Couch Day!
My mom and I wish you all a very happy Couch Day on this January the 18th! It is only Couch Day Eve as I type this (or rather, dictate this to Mom, heh heh), but the big day is only hours away!!
“Couch Day?!” you say? For the history of Couch Day, see Gerry’s 2011 entry:
Here are this year’s Couch Day pictures, compiled from the past year (2012) or so:
See the Tripawds pillow??? : )
Are those my Couch Day party guests I hear outside? What do you mean you didn’t invite Couch Day guests, Mom???
Doh! I should have made a thread in the FORUMS so you all can post Couch Day pictures for me to see! Did I not already think of that in years past? I’ll have to look into that tomorrow…
Hoppy Howliday!
I want a Couch Day too! Maybe I’ll make Monday my Couch Day! Have a great Couch Day buddy!!
Duuuuuude, I’m all over that. My couch pawty is ON. Can you hear my snoring?
Share this in the forums will ya? Good idea!