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February 24th, 2011

Marchin’ with Mom

Posted by GerrysMom in Uncategorized    


Me and Biggie helped our fellow Wisconsinites show our government what democracy looks like.  Our people have gone pretty much every day, but as good as me and Biggie are in crowds, neither of our persons wanted to push it, so I’ve only been once and I think Biggie went twice.  Just as well.  Not nearly enough people stopped to pet me.  

The picture above is us getting ready.  My Ruffwear harness came in handy big time for carrying my sign.  A little tape around the handle and ta-da!  And there’s more room for it on the missing leg side.  Just a couple tips for any other tripawd protesters out there.

Ok, Mom says now that I’ve shared my tripawd-relevant tips, that’s all we have to say here on the Tripawds blog about the protests in our hometown.  (BUT Mom will be more than happy to chat with anyone about it who wants to.  Feel free to PM her – GerrysMom.  Frankly, I’d be grateful.  I love that she talks to me and all, and this stuff is really important, but come on, less justified outrage and more petting!)

February 2nd, 2011

Tripawds can tackle snow!

Posted by GerrysMom in Uncategorized    

My mom’s co-worker kept asking her – as we were gearing up for our blizzard here – wouldn’t I have a hard time with all this snow?  Mom was like, uh, she shovels and I walk in the path.  And when we go on walks, I also favor the tracks made by cars, if we can’t find clear sidewalks.  But really it’s not that different from helping one’s four-legged dog get the snow.  At least my mom always shovelved for her four-legged dogs too.  And, frankly, I can get the drifts when I want to.  Here’s some pics and video from this morning to prove it!

FYI, Mom’s not sure if you’ll be able to see much of anything in the video, but she has noticed before that what looks way too dark on her computer when she plays it is often much lighter on another computer.  (Feel free to offer feedback when you leave comments about whether you can see anything in this video).  But soon, Mom hopes to update with more video from today, when it’ll be light enough to see.  Won’t be as impressive though as this morning before all the real shoveling and plowing.



My roommate Biggie


Biggie's "Dalmatian" Fred (I'm not sure Mom knows he's not real - she talks to him sometimes)


Our house


Another view of our house - a long way to go with the shoveling yet.


Ok, Mom has to finish shoveling, which means I have to get off the computer.  I’m not allowed on the Internet without pawrental supervision.  Stay safe everybody who is getting the big weather!!!

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