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September 6th, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me!

Posted by GerrysMom in Uncategorized    

Mom decided that I turned three yesterday.  We don’t know my actual birthdate, but both her previous dogs were adopted over the Labor Day weekend, so it seemed like the obvious day to use, since my adoption day is in January.  Plus I get a three-day weekend in my honor – sweeeeeeeeeeet!  What is labor anyway?  Mom says I won’t understand.

To celebrate I got a new stuffed yellow duck.  I carried her almost the entire way on my long walk this morning.  Both myself and my roommate Biggie like making her quack.  Her quack is a really high pitch though, I think because she’s a baby duck.

I also got a new super-short, red leash.  Not every dog’s dream gift, but it’s part of my new uniform for pet visiting.  I know a lot of tripawds have trouble walking slower or on a short leash.  I don’t know if it’s because I’m a rear amputee or just lucky, but I can go slow ok – except on stairs.  On stairs, Mom needs to keep up!

I had my first official visit to a nursing/assisted living home on my birthday.  It was fun!  Especially when the beds were low enough for me to lay my head on and just get petted and petted and petted – or when they had human visitors too and then I go to go from person to person to person and they all complimented me on what a good dog I was.   I also got several tasty treats that Mom would never have let me have otherwise.  It was like they knew it was my birthday!  I’ll blog more soon about that or maybe have Mom do a forum post about what we’ve learned while pet visiting. 

Here’s a short video of me enjoying my birthday presents!

Also, check out my last post if you missed it!  I sort of got another early b-day present a week or so ago when our stuff from the Tripawds store came.  Mom ordered a few things with the new Captain Jack design, as a small way to honor his life.  What a guy. 

Mom’s missing Yoda this weekend too, because she met him on 9/3/06 and brought him home 9/5/06.  My being here can’t stop her from being sad or even angry sometimes that cancer sent him ahead so soon, but I can at least keep her from ever feeling lonely and take her out to walks, parks and pet stores, when she’s ready.

That’s my big brother the summer before his diagnosis, when he got to go to the Virginia Beach with Mom.  I got to go there this summer and loved it!  I blogged about that a couple blogs ago, if you missed it.

Well, that’s all for this edition.  Hop on, my fellow tripawds, hop on!

September 4th, 2010

Yo Ho Ho!

Posted by GerrysMom in Uncategorized    

You should have seen how excited Mom was to get our Jackers Gear, ordered in honor of the passing of Captain Jack, 14+ month cancer survivor – what a guy!  I thought there must have been a beef trachea in that package or something, the way she was acting – alas, no.  But it did have a long-sleeve shirt and tote bag for mom, and a couch pillow for me and my roommate Biggie to share, all with this really neat picture of Captain Jack, created by his mom for Tripawds to use in their store.

Mom was impressed with her new tote bag.  She uses it to carry her work stuff in.  She’s been saying she needed a bigger one for a long time.  Even though she couldn’t tell if this Tripawds bag would be bigger or not, she couldn’t resist the Captain Jack bag.  And look!  It’s huge!!!  No offense to Bone Cancer Dogs, (especially since members gave Mom a free one when she crashed their reunion in Madison last October) but the Tripawds bag is waaaaay bigger. (See pic above).

I like the new pillow too, but wanted to make sure you all got a good view of it in Mom’s picture, so I pulled my head down under it (see below).

My roommate Biggie didn’t quite get the idea -but you can tell he loves the new pillow too.

You alllllllll want to check out the Tripawds store now, don’t you???

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