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July 10th, 2010

Too much fun

Posted by GerrysMom in Uncategorized    

Rhoohooo!  Another successful pawty.  Apparently we were having such a good time, that someone felt the authorities should be called.  Seriously, a park ranger stopped by.  We NEVER see park rangers at the dog parks.  He was probably there to protect us from the bears.  And it worked.  Didn’t see any.  Awww, what a guy.

What else?  Well, there seemed to be a Labradoodle convention going on at the same time as our three-legged dog convention, as will probably be evident in Mom’s video of the pawty.  Zuzu was definitely among her peeps, er pups.

I did have a tussle with a collie, as Harley’s Mom alluded to in the Tripawd Pawty forum posts.  Just a minor disagreement.  I said Rin Tin Tin was cooler than Lassie.  Also, he was a really BIG puppy invading my space and I was probably goading him too much, and then we both got mad.  No blood, no foul.

Other than that, just lots of water drinking, finding shady spots and giving each other kisses.  No wonder the ranger was called – all that drinking and kissing.

Here’s Mom’s video:

Here are me and Holly – the official tripawds:

Holly is like – “Why are all you two and four leggers soooo slow!”

I’m like  – “I’m not slow like the even-leggers!”

Here are the “honorary” tripawds, or siblings/roommates – Toby, Biggie and Zuzu:

And here is the group shot:

All the group shots taken with my camera came out with a blue haze.  Clearly, the Spirit boys (Yoda, Harley and – we decided – Jerry) were not going to be left out of the picture!  Rent Sixth Sense if you doubt me.

(The haze was darker initially, before I edited the photo – had to lighten it or you couldn’t make out Gerry from the shadow of the tree).

Mom also really likes this picture she snapped of the sisters – Holly and Zuzu.  So here’s that too:

By the way, for those interested in our donation pledge ($10 to per tripawd attendee to the pawty today), the somewhat imaginative total we came up with was 13.  But if you wanted to donate $10 per tripawd attendee as well, without getting quite so creative, there were three actual, earthly tripawds (we had one additional member of the public – G.I. Jack from Iraq – no kidding!) and at least two spirit tripawds, though Harley’s mom and my mom agree that Spirit Jerry was at our pawty too – so that would be three spirit tripawds.  (Was he the one I thought was Rin Tin Tin, Mom?).  So between $30 and $60, unless you want to count park rangers and count more for Iraq veterans, etc. and then it’s more like $130.

By the way, Mom will only do Madison area pawties by request now for the rest of the year.  Pawty planning has pooped her out.  But of course, this really doesn’ t mean anything, except that someone else has to pick the date.  Because if you give enough notice that you want to come to the Madison area for the pawty, she’s still gonna try to advertise (she can’t help herself) and definitely we’ll come at least!

And we will be MORE than happy to try to travel to any tripawd pawties in the midwest that anyone else wants to organize.

Tripawds Rule!!!

G-Dog out…

No seriously Mom, I wasn’t just being gangsta – I drank a lot of water at the park and I gotta go OUT.


  1. WOOOOHOOOOO!!! What a pawty! 🙂

      admin — July 10, 2010 @ 5:12 pm   

  2. Loved the video Gerry Dawg!! Looks like you all had so much fun!

    Angel Jake’s Mom

      jakesmom — July 10, 2010 @ 10:23 pm   

  3. Yes, lots and lots of Doodle dogs today!

    That Lassie dog was huge! And, really, he sooo thought he was better than the other dogs, with all that long, flowing hair of his … he so had it coming. 😉

    The only thing missing from the video was the Coon Dog’s howl. 🙂

      Hopalong Harley — July 10, 2010 @ 10:56 pm   

  4. what a pawty!! thanks for the great video (who doesn’t want to pawty with clarinets) and pictures!! you guys set the bar very high!

    gayle & charon

      etgayle — July 11, 2010 @ 7:58 am   

  5. That was a pawsome pawty, Gerry! You sure know how to have fun! Zuzu and I napped all the way home, and then most of the afternoon once we got home. We had so much fun with all of our tripawd friends. Spirit Hopalong Harley is right – the only thing missing from the video was the coondog howl! That was hilarious! I’m gonna make my mom check her group shot now to see if all the spirit tripawds were in her shots, too! How cool is that – we knew they were there, just didn’t know they’d show up in the pictures!

    Also… my mom said to thank you for all the video footage of me – she loves watching me hop around so well!

      anyemery — July 11, 2010 @ 10:38 am   

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