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April 18th, 2010

I had a Pawty!

Posted by GerrysMom in Uncategorized    

Holly came to town this past Saturday and we had the first Midwest Tripawd Pawty!!! (That we know of).  For a relatively short visit, and only two tripawd attendees, we sure had a pawesome time!

I learned that Holly is a goose aficianado, and that the park we met at there are so many geese that the city is actually thinking about killing a bunch.  No need!  Holly and I will relocate them for free – just let us looses on the gooses!

People at the park were impressed by my mad running skillz, but I think Holly’s ability to impersonate a quadpawd was even more impressive.  Holly’s mom and mine had to actually point out to people that she’s a tripawd too.

While I did my best to show off, a much wiser Holly spend most of her time very sweetly going from person to person, checking for treats.

Now, it’s not easy to impress a more mature female like Holly.  My athletic abilities were no big deal to her.  Even my stylish red Ruffwear harness did not turn her head.  Fortunately, with the body of water in this park, there were also dead fish to be found on the ground!  The perfect cologne to attract the ladies.  Rolling in it did unfortunately mean I had to get a bath last night, and the smell made Mom a little woozy, but it was worth it!  At first, Mom had thought maybe my harness would save us from having to do the bath, but I knew to make sure to get those fish guts behind my ear, not just on my back.  The smell mostly came off of me, but luckily it’s still pretty well stuck on my harness – yay!  My harness will still make me a lady-killer for many park trips to come.

We hope to have another Madison Tripawd Pawty – with lots of attendees, once Mom advertises around town – on May 30th (or June 5th if bad weather on the 30th).  Don’t worry tripawd pawretns, we don’t have to go back to the dead fish park.  In fact, the one on the 30th for sure is being planned for a different location (Badger Prairie Park). We hope other Tripawd members/visitors can make it.  All numbers of legs are welcome!!!

Here’s why you should come:

P.S. Mom apologizes that a clip or two got put in twice.  She kept trying to go back and fix it, but kept making the same mistake – haha!  So she gave up.  Hope you enjoyed it!

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