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March 23rd, 2010

My Yoda Impression

Posted by GerrysMom in Uncategorized    

Mom thinks it’s weird that when we go to the pet store, or sometimes when we’re walking in the neighborhood, people assume I’m Yoda.  They see Mom, they see I have three legs, and they think, “Oh yes, this dog’s name is Yoda.”  Mom doesn’t understand this because she has a much harder time recognizing/remembering people than their dogs – at least at the dog park. And then there’s the whole thing about Yoda having been brown and white, a lot taller, and missing his front leg not his back, yadda yadda.  I argue that I do an excellent Yoda impression and people’s confusion confirms it.  Mom is not convinced, but you can judge for yourselves:

Mom says I look more like Spock or… she doesn’t know somebody with even BIGGER ears than a Yoda (my big spirit brother or the little green guy).  Is Spock another tripawd??

I am as squirrel crazy as the next pup, as you can see (that’s what I’m looking at).  Sorry the lighting wasn’t great for that, but Mom had to record it and share it.  I made her laugh out loud when I flopped down under the tree.  Squirrels do fall – rarely, perhaps – and you gotta be ready!!!

I also took my Yoda impression a step further these past few days by running up a big ol’ vet bill.  No worries.  Nothing serious.  Something got in my eye a few weeks ago (dont’ know what) and it’s been goopey since.  While having the vet check that out, Mom also brought up that my chin had become really itchy around the same time, and she couldn’t take watching my stumpin wiggle, trying to scratch it, so she had to ask if it was something more than dry skin.  Whoops!  Yep, I have some kind of really mild infection there (hopefully it didn’t spread elsewhere – or to my rommie!).  Sounds like I may have had it all the way back since I was at the shelter, but it wasn’t irritating me then.  So I got meds for those two things and then, whaddaya know, it’s flea and heartworm season already – so even more meds!  Wowee!!!  Mom took it in stride and I earn my keep with adorableness.

That’s all I got for now…


  1. Wow. You got the ears down but good, Yoda, I mean Gerry. Very impressive. Your ears were not nearly so big, I mean Yoda, one month ago. And you weren’t so squirrel crazy either.

      Tazzie — March 23, 2010 @ 9:43 pm   

  2. You are right there, you do earn your keep with adorableness!

      Emilysmom — March 23, 2010 @ 9:46 pm   

  3. Good thinking on the falling squirrels. It’s all about working smarter, not harder. The canine mind melt can be a powerful “force”, no?


      majorbubbatank — March 23, 2010 @ 11:45 pm   

  4. Wow Gerry!!! You got some big ears there! I think they might be bigger than mine! ha! You are adorable 🙂 If you wait long enough maybe, just maybe the squirrel will drop!


      maggie — March 24, 2010 @ 12:04 pm   

  5. But… those ears! Yadda, Yadda, Yoda!

      admin — March 24, 2010 @ 2:47 pm   

  6. As one who also has well-endowed ears, I can relate buddy!

    That’s an interesting story about how people call you Yoda. Nobody would mistake me for Spirit Jerry because I’m such a spaz, but I think one time actually someone DID. And I was like “WATCHYOUTALKINBOUT?”

    Hey I have a crusty mouth sometimes too. And my eye was all goopy also for a day. Does that mean I’ve got what you’ve got?

    And wait a minute…FLEAS? There is SNOW on the ground! How can that BE?

      wyattraydawg — March 24, 2010 @ 5:04 pm   

  7. I have to say those are real serious ears.

    And I looked up adorableness in the dictionary – and there was a picture of you!


      Carmen (Catie's Mom) — March 24, 2010 @ 7:22 pm   

  8. You have HUGE adorable ears Gerry! They give you personality and charm! Fun video.

    Dillon and Rhys

      Peyton's Path — March 25, 2010 @ 8:41 pm   

  9. Wow! I sometimes wait for the squirrels to fall out of the trees, too! Your ears are too cute, though – you definitely have the adorableness factor on your side!

      anyemery — March 27, 2010 @ 9:12 am   

  10. OMD Gerry, adorable is thy name indeed! Wish I could come help you with them skwirls. No more waiting for them to fall out of trees, Oh NO! You and me buddy, with Spirit Yoda at our back! Skwirls take notice! Your days are numbered!


    p.s. you should see Travis Ray’s ears, they are like radar dishes!

      Codie Rae — April 2, 2010 @ 11:42 pm   

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