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March 7th, 2010

Madison Pawties!!!

Posted by GerrysMom in Uncategorized    

Okay, Mom says I have to update first, because it’s been so long since I blawged.  But really, whose fault is that, Mom?  She hasn’t been keeping up with her movie-making of me.  I better prepare you all that we don’t have any new pictures or videos for you yet!


  1. We got housemates!!!  Now I have two people in the house to give me belly rubs and tell me how cute I am.  Though I do have a little competition as I have dog housemate too.  He’s pretty cool.  He likes to clean my back teeth for me.  He gets a little jealous when I get attention and pushes his way in most of the time.  But theres room for both of us on the couch and a human in the middle – one hand for each of us.  AND the best part is that he has about a zillion toys that he shares with me.  Mom still needs to check with his mom about whether she can post videos and pictures of the two of us.  Be warned, the level of cuteness might be unbearable.
  2. I got Yoda’s old Ruffwear harness.  Though, actually Yoda only wore it like once, so it’s more accurate to say that I got Kassee’s old Ruffwear harness.  Mom sent it to Kassee after Yoda passed on to chase spirit bunnies.  We heard from Kassee’s foster mom that she got a great new home.  She must have, because her new pawrents were willing to buy her a new harness so that hers/Yoda’s could be sent back to us.  I like it pretty well.  Don’t always like how I have to shift my weight to get my front right leg through, but harness = walk and that brings a swish to my tail every time!  Mom’s going to make a movie of me in my harness soon to post.  I love how the bright red color draws peoples’ attention – YES, look at ME!
  3. I’ll be starting beginner training classes soon.  And NOVA, get this – my classes are going to be underneath the Great Dane Pub where Mom took Barney when he visited – whoa!

Okay, now for the important part.  Mom says that after I graduate from my training class, I can host tripawd pawties at the dog park in Madison!  Roohoo!!  That won’t be til the last week in April and Mom is insisting on that because I wander too far and ignore her sometimes at the dog park : (  … it’s no fair, Yoda got away with that all the time, but she says it was different because he knew which dogs not to play with – whatever.  (Mom would make an exception for HARLEY though, the other Madison tripawd, to meet him at the park before I graduate). 

So, I wanted to let you all know, in case any of you can travel to Madison for a tripawd pawty.   Mom thinks she’s definitely going to try for one Memorial Day weekend and advertise around town for it, but feel free to tell us what days are good for any tripawd travelers and we’ll try to save those dates!  You can PM my mom or just leave a reply on my blawg. 

Now I just gotta graduate, oh boy…

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